Buying Dental

Intraoral Dental Camera for dentist office

July 2, 2017
Intraoral Dental Camera

Intraoral Dental Camera is nothing but digital cameras, small in size and good enough to fit your mouth. These cameras are specially made for dentists, and these help them see the inside of their patients’ mouth. Also being digital in nature, those photos can be enlarged if necessary. While using these cameras, the dentist will need to place it on the tip of an intraoral wand. This will enable them to see the live image of a patient’s mouth. While using these cameras, you should make sure that you are very careful, and the purpose is served well.

Use of the Intraoral Dental Camera

The use obviously is to view the inner parts of the patient’s teeth. Now with the intra-oral cameras, you can zoom into a particular tooth if necessary. It can show you the broken teeth, fillings, decay in your tooth, cavity signs, and much more than what you can actually think of. The main advantage is that you can view and store the images on your PC, laptop, even you can choose to print them if necessary. You can send the images to your fellow doctors for a better suggestion or their study also.

Benefits of using Intraoral Dental Camera

The main advantage is that you get to see everything as a patient what your doctor will understand. So, it becomes easier for the doctors to explain why the patient needs to take care or why they are feeling the issues with their gum or teeth. Also, this enables the patients to understand the severity of the situation and accordingly to take the decision about going with the treatment or not.

Another benefit of having intraoral cameras is that these cameras are literally portable. So, you can keep it with you and also connect to any machine that has a wireless facility. Although you can choose to use an SD card to move the images to your computer as well, having a portable device with you all the time helps you regarding dentistry all the time. In the case of emergencies, this might come handy too.

Types of Intraoral cameras

Intraoral Dental Camera

Well, if you try and search in the market, you will get different types of intraoral cameras. These cameras are available for various reasons, and you need to choose the type of camera you need carefully.

  • Occlusal: this is one of the types of intraoral dental cameras that is available on the market.

These cameras are only useful if you want to check the development and placement of the jaws and teeth.

  • Periapical: this is another popular type of Intraoral Dental Camera. With this, you can check from root to the crown of your patient’s teeth. It can also help you view the current position of the jaws and the teeth which will enable you o understand whether a particular patient will require any kind of realignment or not.
  • Bite-wing: These are for the multi-purpose really. You can check the whole area of the mouth. The x-rays will show you the kind of damage the bones have injured over the years and also the kind of repairing it needs. You can check the type of decay the teeth has and also you can measure the fittings of the crown too.

So, that is all about the intraoral dental cameras you need to know. Once you know all these buying an intraoral proper dental camera will be a lot easier for you.

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